HM Silberschalegesamt1

Exceptional Historism Silver Jardinière

Rich­ly dec­o­rat­ed with orna­ments and flow­ers, on each side vivid­ly mod­elled Sphin­x­es, crowned with lit­tle fruit bou­quets and fig­urines; gilt on the inside.

On front and back­side cen­ter Nereid fig­urines in the low­er part; the main body fine­ly dec­o­rat­ed with rocailles, flower bou­quets and four del­i­cate­ly elab­o­rat­ed his­tor­i­cal town­scapes.

A sim­i­lar ver­sion of this beau­ti­ful Sil­ver Jar­dinière is in the col­lec­tion of the His­tor­i­cal Muse­um in Minsk.

HM Silberschale D4
HM Silberschale D2
HM Silberschale D1
HM Silberschale D5
HM Silberschale D6
HM Silber Minsk