Hans Miedler has been deal­ing art, antiques and design objects world­wide for more than 30 years. Our busi­ness and show rooms are locat­ed in one of Vien­na’s his­toric city palaces, the Palais Pallavici­ni, for­mer­ly Palais Fries, at Josef­s­platz, oppo­site the ensem­ble of the Vien­na Hof­burg, Nation­al Library, Span­ish Rid­ing School and Augus­tin­ian Church.

Fassademit Reiterstandbild
Attika Figuren Kopie

Our estab­lish­ment with our show­rooms is locat­ed in one of Vien­na’s his­toric city palaces, the Palais Pallavici­ni, for­mer­ly Palais Fries, at Josef­s­platz, oppo­site the ensem­ble of the Vien­na Hof­burg, Nation­al Library, Span­ish Rid­ing School and Augus­tin­ian Church.

HM Eingang

Baron Fries built the Palais in 178384 on the foun­da­tions of the for­mer Queen Monastery, found­ed and donat­ed by Elis­a­beth of Aus­tria, wid­ow of the French king Charles IX, in the 16th century.

The Josefsplatz with the National Library to the right and the Palais Pallavicini to the left-hand side

The Palais Fries, lat­er Palais Pallavici­ni, has always been at the cen­ter of aris­toc­ra­cy and Vien­nese soci­ety for cen­turies, where lav­ish fes­ti­vals and balls were held. Many of the most impor­tant artists of this era, like Franz Schu­bert, Joseph Haydn and espe­cial­ly Lud­wig van Beethoven gave bril­liant con­certs and were friend­ly with the Fries’ fam­i­ly, who cul­ti­vat­ed such patronage.

Ludwig v. Beethoven, 1841, Lithograph by Josef Kriehuber (1800-1876)
Sammlung Fries
Theseus of Canova from the Fries collection

At that time, the Palais Fries was home to one of the most impres­sive art col­lec­tions in the Hab­s­burg Empire, where 300 paint­ings, includ­ing works by Dür­er, Raf­fael, Reni, Rem­brandt and Van Dyck, as well as 100,000 engrav­ings and draw­ings and an exten­sive col­lec­tion of coins and min­er­als were dis­played. Count Fries’ library also con­tained 16,000 volumes.

Festsaal Pallavicini Kopie
The state room of the Palais Pallavicini then
Festsaal Chopard Event HM
and recently set up for a Gala reception of Chopard and Hans Miedler
Goldenes Zimmersw Pallavicini
Margrave Alexander Pallavicini in the Golden Salon at the time
Beletage 07

In these ancient and his­tor­i­cal­ly sig­nif­i­cant rooms on the ground floor and first floor, known as the Bele­tage, where the large art col­lec­tion and the pri­vate rooms of Counts Fries and lat­er Pallavici­ni were once locat­ed, we now have our his­tor­i­cal show­rooms dis­play­ing a range of dif­fer­ent objects.

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For many years we have restored the Bele­tage of the palace with great atten­tion to detail, and today it shines again in its for­mer glo­ry. With admi­ra­tion and pro­found respect for the indi­vid­u­als who once shaped this place, steeped in his­to­ry and infused with a pas­sion for the arts, our work now com­pletes the cir­cle. Our pas­sion­ate goal is to restore his­tor­i­cal art objects, craft­ed with excep­tion­al skill, to their for­mer glo­ry, ensur­ing they shine bright­ly for future gen­er­a­tions to pre­serve and enjoy.

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We deal and trade art objects start­ing with the late 17th cen­tu­ry through to the 18th and 19th cen­turies, and design of the 20th and 21st cen­turies. For many decades, we have had the plea­sure of col­lab­o­rat­ing with cus­tomers and archi­tects world­wide. It is always a joy for us when our lov­ing­ly restored works of art are val­ued by our cus­tomers and find a won­der­ful new home. The qual­i­ty and unique­ness as well as his­to­ry and prove­nance of our objects has always been of utmost impor­tance for us. The con­tin­u­a­tion of this is then in the hands of the new owners.We are proud to find excep­tion­al and unusu­al objects of art and restore them in our work­shops using tra­di­tion­al meth­ods. The chal­lenge of plac­ing the object itself, regard­less of the cen­tu­ry, into a new con­text is our passion.

Sankt Petersburger Silber Kerzenleuchter 02

Our phi­los­o­phy is to seam­less­ly inte­grate mod­ern and clas­sic ele­ments, craft­ing unique inte­ri­ors that har­mo­nize with con­tem­po­rary set­tings. We cher­ish col­lab­o­rat­ing with indi­vid­u­als who share our enthu­si­asm for art, appre­ci­at­ing its unique­ness and the cre­ativ­i­ty of its mak­ers, irre­spec­tive of the era. This shared pas­sion for arts and crafts, span­ning var­i­ous gen­res, not only binds us with col­lec­tors world­wide but often leads to last­ing friend­ships, as our mutu­al love for art can con­nect us for a lifetime.

Franz Kommode 02

Our clien­tele includes muse­ums, patrons, col­lec­tors, art enthu­si­asts, archi­tects and inte­ri­or design­ers, as well as pri­vate customers.

We take care of inter­na­tion­al cus­tomers in: 

Amer­i­ca, the Arab region, Asia and Europe, includ­ing Aus­tria, Ger­many, Eng­land, France, Switzer­land, Italy, Hol­land, Rus­sia, Hun­gary, Bul­gar­ia, Roma­nia, Slo­va­kia, amongst many oth­ers. We would be delight­ed if you could vis­it our his­toric exhi­bi­tion rooms at Palais Pallavici­ni in Vien­na. We eager­ly antic­i­pate wel­com­ing you and hav­ing you as part of our esteemed clien­tele in the future.

Yours, Hans Miedler

HM Tanhauser Figur