Hans Miedler has been deal­ing art, antiques and design objects world­wide for more than 30 years. Our busi­ness and show rooms are locat­ed in one of Vien­na’s his­toric city palaces, the Palais Pallavici­ni, for­mer­ly Palais Fries, at Josef­s­platz, oppo­site the ensem­ble of the Vien­na Hof­burg, Nation­al Library, Span­ish Rid­ing School and Augus­tin­ian Church.

Fassademit Reiterstandbild
Attika Figuren Kopie

Our estab­lish­ment with our show­rooms is locat­ed in one of Vien­na’s his­toric city palaces, the Palais Pallavici­ni, for­mer­ly Palais Fries, at Josef­s­platz, oppo­site the ensem­ble of the Vien­na Hof­burg, Nation­al Library, Span­ish Rid­ing School and Augus­tin­ian Church.

HM Eingang

Baron Fries built the Palais in 178384 on the foun­da­tions of the for­mer Queen Monastery, found­ed and donat­ed by Elis­a­beth of Aus­tria, wid­ow of the French king Charles IX, in the 16th century.

The Josefsplatz with the National Library to the right and the Palais Pallavicini to the left-hand side

The Palais Fries, lat­er Palais Pallavici­ni, has always been at the cen­ter of aris­toc­ra­cy and Vien­nese soci­ety for cen­turies, where lav­ish fes­ti­vals and balls were held. Many of the most impor­tant artists of this era, like Franz Schu­bert, Joseph Haydn and espe­cial­ly Lud­wig van Beethoven gave bril­liant con­certs and were friend­ly with the Fries’ fam­i­ly, who cul­ti­vat­ed such patronage.

Ludwig v. Beethoven, 1841, Lithograph by Josef Kriehuber (1800-1876)
Sammlung Fries
Theseus of Canova from the Fries collection

At that time, the Palais Fries was home to one of the most impres­sive art col­lec­tions in the Hab­s­burg Empire, where 300 paint­ings, includ­ing works by Dür­er, Raf­fael, Reni, Rem­brandt and Van Dyck, as well as 100,000 engrav­ings and draw­ings and an exten­sive col­lec­tion of coins and min­er­als were dis­played. Count Fries’ library also con­tained 16,000 volumes.

Festsaal Pallavicini Kopie
The state room of the Palais Pallavicini then
Festsaal Chopard Event HM
and recently set up for a Gala reception of Chopard and Hans Miedler
Goldenes Zimmersw Pallavicini
Margrave Alexander Pallavicini in the Golden Salon at the time
Goldenes Zimmerheute
The Golden Salon today as our Showroom with art objects on display

In these ancient and his­tor­i­cal­ly sig­nif­i­cant rooms on the ground floor and first floor, known as the Bele­tage, where the large art col­lec­tion and the pri­vate rooms of Counts Fries and lat­er Pallavici­ni were once locat­ed, we now have our his­tor­i­cal show­rooms dis­play­ing a range of dif­fer­ent objects.

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For many years we have restored the Bele­tage of the palace with great atten­tion to detail, and today it shines again in its for­mer glory.

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With admi­ra­tion and pro­found respect for the indi­vid­u­als who once shaped this place, steeped in his­to­ry and infused with a pas­sion for the arts, our work now com­pletes the circle.

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Our pas­sion­ate goal is to restore his­tor­i­cal art objects, craft­ed with excep­tion­al skill, to their for­mer glo­ry, ensur­ing they shine bright­ly for future gen­er­a­tions to pre­serve and enjoy. 

We deal and trade art objects start­ing with the late 17th cen­tu­ry through to the 18th and 19th cen­turies, and design of the 20th and 21st cen­turies. For many decades, we have had the plea­sure of col­lab­o­rat­ing with cus­tomers and archi­tects worldwide. 

It is always a joy for us when our lov­ing­ly restored works of art are val­ued by our cus­tomers and find a won­der­ful new home. The qual­i­ty and unique­ness as well as his­to­ry and prove­nance of our objects has always been of utmost impor­tance for us. The con­tin­u­a­tion of this is then in the hands of the new owners.

We are proud to find excep­tion­al and unusu­al objects of art and restore them in our work­shops using tra­di­tion­al meth­ods. The chal­lenge of plac­ing the object itself, regard­less of the cen­tu­ry, into a new con­text is our passion. 

Sankt Petersburger Silber Kerzenleuchter 02

Our phi­los­o­phy is to seam­less­ly inte­grate mod­ern and clas­sic ele­ments, craft­ing unique inte­ri­ors that har­mo­nize with con­tem­po­rary settings. 

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We cher­ish col­lab­o­rat­ing with indi­vid­u­als who share our enthu­si­asm for art, appre­ci­at­ing its unique­ness and the cre­ativ­i­ty of its mak­ers, irre­spec­tive of the era. This shared pas­sion for arts and crafts, span­ning var­i­ous gen­res, not only binds us with col­lec­tors world­wide but often leads to last­ing friend­ships, as our mutu­al love for art can con­nect us for a life­time.


Our clien­tele includes muse­ums, patrons, col­lec­tors, art enthu­si­asts, archi­tects and inte­ri­or design­ers, as well as pri­vate customers. 

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We take care of inter­na­tion­al cus­tomers in: 

Amer­i­ca, the Arab region, Asia and Europe, includ­ing Aus­tria, Ger­many, Eng­land, France, Switzer­land, Italy, Hol­land, Rus­sia, Hun­gary, Bul­gar­ia, Roma­nia, Slo­va­kia, amongst many oth­ers. We would be delight­ed if you could vis­it our his­toric exhi­bi­tion rooms at Palais Pallavici­ni in Vien­na. We eager­ly antic­i­pate wel­com­ing you and hav­ing you as part of our esteemed clien­tele in the future.

Yours, Hans Miedler

HM Tanhauser Figur