HM Glaskorblusterneu2

French Glass Basket Chandelier

France, circa 1900

A mag­nif­i­cent 12-light gilt-bronze chan­de­lier, with an ellip­tic glass coro­na above a rich­ly flower and blos­soms dec­o­rat­ed band, sus­pend­ing chains of orig­i­nal glass beads, beau­ti­ful­ly dec­o­rat­ed with foli­ate swags, lau­rel wreaths, leaves and flam­beaus (torch­es). A gilt bronze cone finial is sus­pend­ed below.

HM Frz Korblustergesamt2neu
Chandelier H: 135 cm, Diameter: 60 cm
HM Frz Korbluster D3obenneu
HM Glaskorbluster D4
HM Frz Korbluster D1neu