30 11 2021 039 Edit

A Pair of Viennese Candelabras

By David Hollenbach, Vienna, 2nd Half of the 19th Century

Bronze Doré, exe­cut­ed with three arms and four can­dles, very fine­ly cased with rocailles, flower gar­lands, and acan­thus leaves; signed and pro­duced by David Hollenbach.

David Hol­len­bach received his orders from many aris­to­crat­ic hous­es, as well as from the Hab­s­burg fam­i­ly, some pre­served in the impe­r­i­al sil­ver col­lec­tion in the Hof­burg, Vienna.

Hol­len­bach also worked a lot for the mag­nif­i­cent Ringstraßen Palais togeth­er with some of the impor­tant archi­tects from this time, for exam­ple Theophil Hansen.

Anoth­er exam­ple by David Hol­len­bach is the mag­nif­i­cent can­de­labras from the Vien­na State Opera.

Signed objects by David Hol­len­bach are an absolute rar­i­ty on the market.

HM Hollenbach Kerzenleuchterneu
Girandole Candelabras H: 47 cm, Diameter: 29 cm
30 11 2021 027 Edit
HM Hollenbach Candelabra2
Castle Hernstein (near Vienna) - Centrepiece for the Dining Hall, 1874 Bronze Doré Centrepiece, with hunting scenes, front and backside; draft by archduke Leopold, made by David Hollenbach. Woodcut by Leopold Geisbe after the drawing of Johann Joseph Kirchner 1874, photography by Julius Leth. Literature: Moritz Alois Becker (Hg.): Album von Hernstein. Illustrationen zu Hernstein in Niederösterreich. Sein Gutsgebiet und das Land im weiteren Umkreise. Mit Unterstützung seiner kaiserlichen Hoheit Erzherzog Leopold, Wien 1882
HM Hollenbach Candelabra1
Draft for a Bronze Candelaber, D. Hollenbach & Söhne Wien © Austrian National Library