HM Gelbe Kerzenstaender Berlingesamtneu

A Pair of Porcelain Candelabra of the Royal Porcelain Manufactory Berlin

End of the 19th Century

Five-lights Can­de­labras in Bronze with rich porce­lain blos­soms dec­o­ra­tion and beau­ti­ful bright yel­low col­ored porce­lain body and base; paint­ed with beau­ti­ful flow­ers and roman­tic scener­ies, dec­o­rat­ed with Aries heads each side.

HM Gelbe Kerzenstaender Berlingesamt1neu
Porcelain Candelabra H: 57/56 cm, Dm: 26/27 cm
30 11 2021 262 Edit
HM Gelbe Kerzenstaender Berlin D1neu
HM Gelbe Kerzenstaender Berline D2neu
HM Gelbe Kerzenstaender Berlin D3neu
HM Gelbe Kerzenstaender Berin D5neu