IMG 2874

A Rare Pair of Italian Giltwood Mirrors

Piemonte, 1st half of 18th Century

A very rare pair of pied­mon­tese Mir­rors, fine­ly carved and leaf gild­ed, orig­i­nal mir­ror plates; mould­ed, pierced frame with rich foli­ate and flo­ral dec­o­ra­tion, birds and masques. 

Four iden­ti­cal Giran­dole-Mir­rors are in the Palaz­zo Madama de Casa Forte degli Aca­ia in Turin, Italy; the Palaz­zo Madama, named after Maria Cristi­na of France — so called Madama Reale” — who became Duchess of Savoy in 1619, was the domi­cile of the first Sen­ate of the Ital­ian king­dom. The Palaz­zo was Madama Reales pre­ferred domi­cile and got expand­ed cas­tle-like from up to 1638 under her supervision.

IMG 2867
Giltwood Mirror H: 92 cm, W: 57 cm
PF1039 94 lr 2
IMG 4554
IMG 0055