HM Italienische Stuehlegesamt

A set of six Italian Chairs

Marche, Mid 18th Century

A rare set of six Ital­ian chairs from an aris­to­crat­ic house in Italy from the region Marche; the pas­tel-col­ored frames with flo­ral dec­o­ra­tion, each with two mas­querons. The pierced rec­tan­gu­lar back cen­tered by the col­ored fam­i­ly crest; raised on slight­ly swept legs, ter­mi­nat­ing in hoofs. Fresh­ly uphol­stered in a tra­di­tion­al man­ner with horse­hair, ready for the fab­ric of your choice. We are hap­py to assist with the choice of your cov­er fab­ric incl. the final uphol­stery in our inhouse-workshops!

Com­ing from Cen­tral Italy, more pre­cise­ly from the region Marche,” which con­sists of the provinces Ancona as cap­i­tal, Ascoli Piceno, Ferme, Mac­er­a­ta and Pesaro-Urbino. Espe­cial­ly the inte­gra­tion of the coat of arms and beau­ti­ful col­or­ing makes the design of these chairs from the 18th cen­tu­ry so spe­cial and rare to find.

HM Italienische Stuehleeinzeln
Six Italian Chairs W: 56 cm, D: 45 cm, H: 104 cm
HM Italienische Stuehlegesamt2
HM Italienische Stuehle Lehne
HM Italienische Stuehle D1