29 4 2022extra 041 Edit 6

Extraordinary, very rare Biedermeier Vitrine

Vienna around 1830 with curved glass windows

This is an excep­tion­al­ly rare Vien­nese Glass Cab­i­net, stun­ning­ly exe­cut­ed with a glass door and one draw­er, each with a key. The cor­pus is mas­ter­ly made in wal­nut and wal­nut veneer, dec­o­rat­ed with four half-pedestals in sol­id wal­nut, and a mould­ed top. The vit­rine is raised on four square, reen­trant-shaped legs.

The inner depart­ment of the vit­rine has two curved shelves, and one cen­ter shelf, con­nect­ed with the over­all vit­rine construction. 

The back wall is fit­ted with mir­rors in seg­ments. The mir­ror plates have been changed most like­ly dur­ing the time because they prob­a­bly have gone blind at a cer­tain point.

Espe­cial­ly intrigu­ing is the over­all shape of this beau­ti­ful piece fea­tur­ing the four orig­i­nal, curved glass win­dows. One win­dow in the cor­ner of the back wall has a small, now well-restored crack. 

Bie­der­meier Vit­rines with curved glass are very rare to find – only in col­lec­tions if it all. Note­wor­thy also the ele­gant design, the beau­ti­ful veneer, and amaz­ing over­all condition.

It tru­ly is a col­lec­tion piece, not com­mon at all, and per­fect for lovers of out­stand­ing Bie­der­meier furniture.

29 04 2022 869 Edit 1
Rare, Viennese Biedermeier Glass Vitrine H: 165 cm, W: 128 cm, D: 42.5 cm
29 4 2022extra 015 Edit 4
29 04 2022 880 Edit 2
29 4 2022extra 006 Edit 3