
A Pair of Marble Vases With Rich Gilt Bronze Decoration

Vienna, around 1900

These beau­ti­ful­ly made vas­es are made of Rosso Verona, a Veronese mar­ble, which has been quar­ried for cen­turies in Valpo­li­cel­la, north­west of Verona, Italy. 

The vas­es’ bases are exe­cut­ed as four-phase shafts with fine orna­men­tal and foli­ate dec­o­ra­tion. Love­ly the two flute-play­ing put­ti in the cen­ter of both vas­es, fac­ing each oth­er, sur­round­ed by exquis­ite foli­ate and blos­som dec­o­ra­tion; a gilt, yel­low met­al insert with mould­ed edge. 

Espe­cial­ly intrigu­ing, the gilt bronze dec­o­ra­tion, part­ly shiny, part­ly matt gilding.

Tru­ly dec­o­ra­tive objects – the two angels, fac­ing each oth­er, under­line that they are made as a pair.

30 11 2021 085 Edit
A Pair of Marble Vases H: 34 cm, Dm: 15 cm
30 11 2021 104 Edit
30 11 2021 100 Edit