Franzoesische Bronze dore Kerzenleuchter mit Puttis 02 1

A Pair of magnificent five-armed Girandoles

France, second third of the 19th century

This pair is intri­cate­ly craft­ed by hand with excep­tion­al finesse and exe­cut­ed in gilt bronze.

The elab­o­rate­ly craft­ed base is cen­tered around a small col­umn, flanked on either side by a volu­mi­nous ped­i­ment rich­ly adorned with acan­thus leaves and blos­soms.
The oval-shaped base, with a cen­tral off­set, is dec­o­rat­ed all around with a flo­ral bor­der and stands on four small adjustable feet.
Atop the base of each can­de­labra, we find a ful­ly sculpt­ed put­to seat­ed in a flower mead­ow. On the left, a young girl with pret­ty hair­style and a rib­bon in her hair, hold­ing a small nest with bird eggs in her right hand while extend­ing her left hand towards the young boy.

On the right can­de­labra sits a young boy with curly hair, hold­ing a small bird in his hand, extend­ing it towards the young girl.
The stems of each sit­u­at­ed behind the chil­dren, ascends in an acan­thus leaf form toward the finial. The finial is formed by five exquis­ite­ly inter­laced arms in rocaille form adorned with acan­thus leaves.Candle cups and sock­ets are with flo­ral and foli­ate dec­o­ra­tion.

What stands out in these two can­dle­sticks, besides their beau­ti­ful crafts­man­ship, is the splen­did mat­te and glossy gild­ing.
Sim­i­lar giran­dole mod­els can be found, among oth­er places, in the Vien­nese Sil­ver Cham­ber for table dec­o­ra­tions at the Hab­s­burg court.

Mag­nif­i­cent giran­doles that will bring an unique ele­gance to any table setting…

Franzoesische Bronze dore Kerzenleuchter mit Puttis 05 1
A Pair of Bronze Doré Girandoles H: 67 cm, W: 24 cm, D: 14.5 cm
Franzoesische Bronze dore Kerzenleuchter mit Puttis 08
Franzoesische Bronze dore Kerzenleuchter mit Puttis 03
Franzoesische Bronze dore Kerzenleuchter mit Puttis 04
Franzoesische Bronze dore Kerzenleuchter mit Puttis 13
Franzoesische Bronze dore Kerzenleuchter mit Puttis 15
Franzoesische Bronze dore Kerzenleuchter mit Puttis 01