Hans Miedler Session 348

A Pair of Victorian Card or Console Tables

England, 2nd Half of the 19th Century

Dat­ing from the Vic­to­ri­an peri­od these Con­sole Tables are beau­ti­ful­ly exe­cut­ed in wal­nut, and burl wal­nut veneer.

The two side ele­ments of the con­sole table are each divid­ed into two legs, ter­mi­nat­ing in bronze shoes with cas­tors. These are made and signed by Loach & Clarke Brass­founders, Birmingham.

The two side ele­ments, rich­ly embell­ished with acan­thus leaves, and flow­ers, as well as the swept legs are con­nect­ed with a turned brace with a leaf shaped dec­o­ra­tion in the center.

The mould­ed top with mir­rored burl wood veneer has a re-entrant frieze under­neath, dec­o­rat­ed with a car­touche-shaped orna­ment in the mid­dle, and squeezed orbs at the corners.

The cov­er plates are rotable and reveal a stor­age com­part­ment for game items, as well as round-shaped, green felt on the inner sides when unfold­ed the actu­al sur­face for playing.

Tru­ly beau­ti­ful, very fine­ly made Card Table Con­soles, very rare to find as pair.

Hans Miedler Session 342
A Pair of Console Tables W: 92 cm; H: 73/75 cm; D: 46/92cm
Hans Miedler Session 358
Hans Miedler Session 330 Edit
Hans Miedler Session 370
Hans Miedler Session 403
Hans Miedler Session 396
Hans Miedler Session 439