Hans Miedler Session 018

Exceptional piece of furniture, also known as Cartonnier

France, last third of the 19th century

Craft­ed and designed by the cab­i­net­mak­er and fur­ni­ture design­er Georges Fran­cois Alix (18461906), with the clock by CH. Dutertre.

Elab­o­rate­ly exe­cut­ed salon fur­ni­ture in oak, veneered with mahogany, with mul­ti­ple mir­rored veneer sur­faces, large tam­bour doors, the upper part with numer­ous curves and counter-curves taper­ing upwards, exe­cut­ed in mas­ter­ful crafts­man­ship qual­i­ty and crowned by a clock.

The upper part is fit­ted with six draw­ers of var­i­ous sizes, adapt­ing to the form of the fur­ni­ture, cov­ered with leather and adorned with a gold embossed bor­der.

The entire piece is rich­ly dec­o­rat­ed with gild­ed bronze fit­tings.
The crown­ing clock, with an extreme­ly fine half-hour strike, is signed on the dial CH. DUTERTREPARIS.”

Georges Fran­cois Alix (18461906):

Georges Fran­cois Alix was ini­tial­ly based at 46 Rue de Charonne, then at 6 Rue Richard Lenoir from 1878 onwards. He par­tic­i­pat­ed in many sig­nif­i­cant exhi­bi­tions, includ­ing those in Paris in 1884, 1885, and 1889. There are numer­ous ref­er­ences to Fran­cois Alix, includ­ing in the archive of the promi­nent cab­i­net­mak­er and fur­ni­ture mak­er Fran­cois Linke.
After Fran­cois Alix’s death in 1906, Linke pur­chased a mul­ti­tude of his wood­en mod­els, which he then used to cre­ate his own fur­ni­ture.
Some of these mod­els have sur­vived in the Linke archive…
Fran­cois Linke also acquired the design of the so-called Meu­ble Soleil” by Alix, which was inspired by a design by Jean Hen­ry Ries­ner.

Ref­er­ences: Doc­u­men­ta­tion Fran­cois Linke The Belle Epoque of French Fur­ni­ture” p. 436, 437; Christo­pher Payne Paris Fur­ni­ture: The Lux­u­ry Mar­ket of the 19th Cen­tu­ry” p. 191.

Hans Miedler Session 024 1
Cartonnier H: 203 cm, W: 96 cm, D: 43 cm
Hans Miedler Session 101 1
Hans Miedler Session 045
Hans Miedler Session 065
Hans Miedler Session 084