Acryl Couchtisch Malachit Studio Superego 01

Large Design Couch Table, Superego

Studio Superego

Stun­ning clear design by Stu­dio Super­ego, which is only inter­rupt­ed by its round-shaped agate ele­ments of the most beau­ti­ful colours.

The heav­i­ly exe­cut­ed Plex­i­glas cof­fee table top stands on two gold­en brass feet with red col­or stripes, which reflect in var­i­ous ways on the con­sole’s side walls depend­ing on the view­ing angle. 

Signed in the plate Stu­dio Superego.

Par­tic­u­lar­ly note­wor­thy are the round agate inlays reflect­ing the incred­i­ble range of colours found in nature. Due to the unique shad­ing and the play of colours reflect­ed by each of the inlaid agates, each object in this series is also unique. The agate, which is a gem­stone, was named after a riv­er in Sici­ly over 2000 years ago, where a philoso­pher found this colour­ful gem­stone and gave it its name. Since those days, agate has been high­ly val­ued as a gem­stone. About a thou­sand years ago, objects such as small sculp­tures, rings, ves­sels, and amulets were already made with agates.

An absolute eye-catch­er for any room and a per­fect object to cre­ate a con­trast to clas­sic fur­nish­ings or a mod­ern ambiance. 

Acryl Couchtisch Malachit Studio Superego 05
Design Couchtisch Superego H: 51 cm, W: 125 cm, D: 65 cm
Acryl Couchtisch Malachit Studio Superego 04
Acryl Couchtisch Malachit Studio Superego 06