HM Ofenschirmgesam

Magnificent, French Firescreen

2nd Half of the 19th Century

Very rare, stun­ning Fire­screen, leaf gild­ed and carved, rich­ly dec­o­rat­ed with rib­bons, blos­soms, and leaves. Two three-dimen­sion­al­ly elab­o­rat­ed angels car­ry the screen, cen­tered by a fire ampho­ra.
With the orig­i­nal tapes­try, made for this screen, the back cov­ered with silk fab­ric. Crowned is the screen by a pair of doves as the sym­bol of love.
The fire­screen most like­ly is based on a design of Delafos­se from mid of the 18th Century.

An absolute rar­i­ty on the inter­na­tion­al market. 

The Sto­ry:
This excep­tion­al­ly rare dec­o­ra­tive fire­place screen also tells a remark­able sto­ry. It can be seen in a famous scene from the James Bond film A View to a Kill”, which takes place at the Château de Chan­til­ly. Watch the scene depict­ing the pre­sent­ed fire­screen HERE

The Cas­tle:
The Château de Chan­til­ly is a fas­ci­nat­ing cas­tle locat­ed in the town of the same name, about 50 kilo­me­ters north­east of Paris. It stands pic­turesque­ly in an expan­sive park­land that spans sev­er­al hun­dred hectares.
Built in the 16th cen­tu­ry, the château impress­es with its ele­gant Renais­sance archi­tec­ture and beau­ti­ful­ly designed gar­dens, craft­ed by the renowned land­scape archi­tect André Le Nôtre. Par­tic­u­lar­ly notable is the Grand Gallery, which hous­es an impor­tant col­lec­tion of paint­ings, includ­ing works by mas­ters such as Raphael and Delacroix.
The his­to­ry of the Château de Chan­til­ly is close­ly tied to the Duke of Aumale, a mem­ber of the Bour­bon-Condé fam­i­ly, who restored the château in the 19th cen­tu­ry and show­cased his exten­sive art col­lec­tion there. In addi­tion to its stun­ning archi­tec­ture and artis­tic trea­sures, the château, sur­round­ed by water-filled moats, cap­ti­vates vis­i­tors. Near­by, you’ll also find the Grand Sta­bles, one of the largest horse sta­bles in Europe, and the beau­ti­ful park, per­fect for leisure­ly walks and relax­ation. The Château de Chan­til­ly is not only a cul­tur­al but also a his­tor­i­cal high­light that attracts vis­i­tors from all over the world.

Watch a video about Château de Chan­til­ly HERE

James Bond A View to a Kill”:

A View to a Kill” is the 15th film in the James Bond series and was released in 1985. Roger Moore stars as secret agent 007. The film, based on a short sto­ry by Ian Flem­ing, com­bines action, sus­pense, and a touch of humor char­ac­ter­is­tic of Moore’s era.
The spec­tac­u­lar loca­tions range from Paris to Cal­i­for­ni­a’s Sil­i­con Val­ley, cul­mi­nat­ing in an excit­ing finale on the Gold­en Gate Bridge. The film is known for its spec­tac­u­lar action sequences, includ­ing a mem­o­rable chase with a cir­cus wag­on and a dra­mat­ic scene in a per­ilous water­fall.
A View to a Kill” stands out not only for its charm­ing char­ac­ters and action-packed scenes but also for its icon­ic title song, per­formed by Duran Duran, which became one of the most famous songs in the Bond series. The film blends clas­sic Bond ele­ments with an 80s vibe and remains a beloved part of the franchise.

Watch the Orig­i­nal Trail­er HERE

Orig­i­nal Title: A View to a Kill Film­ing Loca­tions: Ice­land; Paris and Château Chan­til­ly, France; Lon­don and Pinewood Stu­dios, Eng­land; San Fran­cis­co & Oak­land, USA Dura­tion: 125 min­utes Awards: Gold­en Screen 1986 Title Song: A View to a Kill” – per­formed by Duran Duran, writ­ten by Duran Duran and John Barry

HM Ofenschirmgesamt2a
Firescreen H: 127 cm, W: 75 cm, D: 47 cm
HM Ofenschirm D3 Tauben
HM Ofenschirm D1
HM frz Ofenschirm D2
HM Delafosse1
Drafts by Delafosse, from Péquégnot, "Les Meubles"
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HM Ofenschirm James Bond
Film scene in James Bond "A View to a Kill"
James Bond