HM Rokoko Spiegelgesamt

Extraordinary, French Bronze Doré Mirror

2nd Half of the 19th Century

Very rare Salon Mir­ror, in Roco­co style and gild­ed Bronze, exe­cut­ed in the 19th century.

The fine­ly pierced frame is vivid­ly elab­o­rat­ed with man­i­fold wind­ing rocailles, sea crests, blos­soms and gar­lands, part­ly reach­ing into the mir­ror plate; sur­mount­ed by a beau­ti­ful crown embell­ished with styl­ized sun rays, angel wings and a small cornice.

It is an espe­cial­ly intrigu­ing object — mir­rors made in Bronze Doré are rare to find! Also, the stun­ning gild­ing and the mas­ter­ly chis­eled frame make this object a true gem and addi­tion­al­ly under­line the pre­cious char­ac­ter and remark­able craftsmanship.

HM Rokoko Spiegel D1
French Bronze Doré Salon Mirror H: 86 cm, W: 50 cm
HM Rokoko Spiegel D2
HM Rokoko Spiegel D3
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