Liechtenstein Stuehle 04 1

Set of Four Mahogany Chairs, from the Princely Palais Liechtenstein in Vienna

Second Third of the 19th Century

From the Prince­ly Palais Liecht­en­stein in Vienna.

A stun­ning set of Vien­nese salon chairs with sig­nif­i­cant prove­nance, craft­ed from mahogany and mahogany veneer. The ele­gant­ly curved frames fea­ture flo­ral and orna­men­tal carv­ings, while the back­rests are intri­cate­ly pierced along their edges and crowned with flo­ral motifs on the upper cor­ners and a rocaille design at the cen­ter. Both the seats and back­rests are upholstered.

The inner sides of the chair frames bear paper labels with EIGEN­TUM des Fürsten LIECHT­EN­STEIN Wien 1. Bankgasse Nr 9” (“Prop­er­ty of Prince Liecht­en­stein, Vien­na 1st dis­trict, Bankgasse No. 9”), along with inven­to­ry num­bers and the Prince­ly fire stamp.

His­to­ry and Design:

Con­struc­tion of the Palais began in 1691 at the behest of Count Dominik Kau­nitz under the direc­tion of Domeni­co Mar­tinel­li, incor­po­rat­ing plans by Enri­co Zuc­cal­li. Stonework com­mis­sions were award­ed to Vien­nese mas­ter Michael Khöll, as well as impe­r­i­al quar­ry mas­ter Ambro­sius Fer­rethi and his sons-in-law Gio­van­ni Bat­tista Passeri­ni and Mar­tin Trumler.

In 1694, Prince Johann Adam I of Liecht­en­stein acquired the unfin­ished palace, des­ig­nat­ing it as a majo­rat house and com­plet­ing the con­struc­tion under Gabriel de Gabrieli and Mar­tinel­li by 1705. Mar­tinel­li designed Vienna’s first mon­u­men­tal Baroque por­tal on the Bankgasse side. The side entrance on Minoriten­platz and the grand stair­case are asso­ci­at­ed with Johann Lucas von Hilde­brandt. The sculp­tur­al dec­o­ra­tions adorn­ing the por­tals, attic, and inte­ri­ors were cre­at­ed by Gio­van­ni Giu­liani, while the stuc­co work was exe­cut­ed by San­ti­no Bus­si. The main stair­case, made of Kaiser­stein, was con­struct­ed in 1699 by Vien­nese mas­ters Michael Khöll and Wolf­gang Stein­böck, with the stair treads sourced from Kaisersteinbruch.

Until 1806, the Liecht­en­stein Gallery was housed on the sec­ond floor. The Palais was lat­er rent­ed to Arch­dukes Johann and Lud­wig, and the art col­lec­tion was relo­cat­ed to the Gar­den Palace in Rossau. At a lat­er stage, the city palace served as the Russ­ian embassy.

Count Alois II sought to reclaim the Palais for pri­vate use and com­mis­sioned exten­sive inte­ri­or ren­o­va­tions between 1836 and 1847, led by Peter Hubert Desvi­gnes. The exe­cu­tion of the project was entrust­ed to Carl Leistler, who sub­con­tract­ed parts of the work to Michael Thonet, among oth­ers. The ren­o­va­tion report­ed­ly cost around eleven mil­lion gulden.

The Palais was out­fit­ted with ground­break­ing tech­ni­cal inno­va­tions, spark­ing wide­spread inter­est. These includ­ed mir­rored doors that could be lift­ed and rotat­ed, an ele­va­tor, and an inter­com sys­tem. The ball­room, the most elab­o­rate space, fea­tured mov­able mir­rored doors that expand­ed the space into sur­round­ing cor­ri­dors. Due to the decade-long ren­o­va­tions under Desvi­gnes, the Palais was col­lo­qui­al­ly referred to as the Artists’ Wel­fare Home.”

The Palais’ inte­ri­or décor, designed by Desvi­gnes, sur­passed all expec­ta­tions of Vien­nese Bie­der­meier style, align­ing more close­ly with the Sec­ond Roco­co peri­od. Ele­gant bent­wood floor­ing by Michael Thonet, flo­ral silk wall cov­er­ings and draperies from Vien­nese man­u­fac­tur­ers, and mas­sive chan­de­liers from Paris now define the restored interiors.

Count­ess Nora Fug­ger (1864 – 1945) described the Palais in her memoirs:

In terms of beau­ty and grandeur, the Palais is unpar­al­leled in Europe. The ball­room is of immense height. When the lights in the wall sconces, the great giran­doles, and the enor­mous glass chan­de­lier in the cen­ter of the ceil­ing were lit, the mag­nif­i­cent space must have appeared bathed in light.

Two adjoin­ing rooms are sep­a­rat­ed from the ball­room by tall glass par­ti­tions. High mir­rors line the oth­er walls, cre­at­ing a tru­ly mag­i­cal impres­sion. In one of the salons, a foun­tain basin stands in the cen­ter of the room. Just before the out­break of the rev­o­lu­tion, Count Liecht­en­stein host­ed the first ball in his mag­nif­i­cent palace. In 1851 — after the rev­o­lu­tion­ary years — he host­ed anoth­er, as pre­vi­ous­ly described.”

Fur­ther Links:

Palais Liecht­en­stein

Palais Liecht­en­stein Collection

More Lit­er­a­ture:

• Das Stadt­palais der Liecht­en­stein — Johann Kräft­ner — 2015

• Dehio Wien I. Bezirk — 2003

• Fest­stiege Palais Liecht­en­stein — W. G. Rizzi — 1976

• Lexikon der Wiener Kun­st und Kul­tur — N. Nemetschke/G.Kugler — 1990

• Schlöss­er in Öster­re­ich I — Lau­rin Luchn­er — 1978

• Tour de Palais — Iris Med­er — 2014

• Wien wie es war — Richard Groner — 1965

• Wiener Barock­paläste — Bruno Grim­schitz — 1944

• Wiener Bezirk­skul­tur­führer Innere Stadt — Felix Czeike — 1983

• Wiener Palais — W. Kraus/​P. Müller — 1991


Mahogany Chairs, provenance Palais Liechtenstein
Mahagoni Chairs from the Princely Palais Liechtenstein
Hans Miedler Fine Art, Mahogany Chairs, provenance Palais Liechtenstein
Hans Miedler Fine Art, Mahogany Chairs, provenance Palais Liechtenstein