Spieltisch Thonet 01 copy

Game or Card Table by Thonet

Vienna, draft before 1904

The game table mod­el No. 7, designed by the Gebrüder Thonet (Thonet Broth­ers) is exe­cut­ed in beech wood, stained mahogany, and cov­ered with green cloth. It is for­mal­ly one of the most pleas­ing game table mod­els pro­duced by Thonet dur­ing this time, was not col­lapsi­ble, and could be ordered with small draw­ers or, as in our mod­el, with cups. This par­tic­u­lar mod­el was shown in the sales cat­a­log of 1904 as well as in the book Gebrüder Thonet Möbel aus gebo­gen­em Holze (Fur­ni­ture made of bent­wood by the Gebrüder Thonet), Vien­na 1904 on page 71.

Spieltisch Thonet 04
Spieltisch Thonet 02 copy
Spieltisch Thonet 03