HM Biedermeier Stuehlegesamt

Beautiful Set of Six Biedermeier Chairs

Austria around 1830

The chairs, exquis­ite­ly shaped, are craft­ed in wal­nut veneer. The back­rest is ele­gant­ly curved in a bal­loon-like form, fea­tur­ing a deeply pro­filed cen­ter strip rest­ing on an arched connection.

Sur­round­ing the chairs is a veneered rim, with straight, tapered legs in the front and slight­ly curved, tapered legs at the back­rest. These chairs are a won­der­ful exam­ple of the ele­gant Bie­der­meier designs tai­lored for the afflu­ent bourgeoisie.

In con­trast to the aris­to­crat­ic fur­ni­ture of the time, often craft­ed from mahogany, bour­geois fur­ni­ture was made from local veneers and woods, in this case walnut.

Tra­di­tion­al­ly reuphol­stered, primed in white, and ready for cov­er­ing with a dec­o­ra­tive fab­ric of your choice. We are delight­ed to assist you in select­ing your cov­er fab­ric and fit it in our in-house workshop.

HM Biedermeier Stuehlegesamt2
Biedermeier Chairs
HM Biedermeierstuhl D1
HM Biedermeier Stuhleinzeln D1
IMG 6790
Similar chair models From: "Imperial Interiors: The Residential Culture of the Viennese Court in the 19th Century"