HM Porzellanlustergesamt

Very Fine Porcelain Blossom Chandelier

Germany, End of the 19th Century

The rich dec­o­ra­tion of this excep­tion­al Chan­de­lier is absolute­ly stun­ning: gilt bronze ele­ments inter­twined with a plen­ty of beau­ti­ful­ly made, hand-paint­ed porce­lain blossoms. 

The ele­gant­ly shaped frame with a pine cone finial issues 8 gilt bronze arms, fit­ted for elec­tric­i­ty, ter­mi­nat­ing in leave shaped gilt bronze foli­ate drip pans and porce­lain noz­zles & can­dle sleeves; sur­mount­ed by a large, gilt rib­bon. In the cen­ter sits a grandiose­ly elab­o­rat­ed porce­lain par­rot on porce­lain trunk on a fine, gilt pedestal. 

An absolute­ly rare Chan­de­lier, in per­fect con­di­tion and qual­i­ty, ready to fall in love with…

HM Porzellanluster D1 A
Rare Gilt Bronze & Porcellain Chandelier H: 90 cm, Diameter: 62 cm
HM Porzellanluster D3
HM Porzellanluster D1
HM Porzellanlluster D2