Internierter Salontisch W Foltin zug 01 1

A per­son­’s home is a part of their life. There­fore, the task of the inte­ri­or design­er is to sur­round the client with fur­nish­ings that reflect their essence. Before con­struct­ing or fur­nish­ing a house or room, one should place the client metaphor­i­cal­ly​‘in the mid­dle of the room’ and clar­i­fy the rela­tion­ship between them and the space, seek­ing to define the​‘phys­iog­no­my’ of the room. Encour­age the client to say,​‘Here I will work, here I will eat, here I will read my books, and here I will receive my guests.’ Try to under­stand how the client relates to life and art, and strive to accom­mo­date their desires to the point where they feel at home in the new envi­ron­ment, almost for­get­ting the archi­tec­t’s for­ma­tive hand…Wilhelm Foltin

Wil­helm Foltin (1890 — 1970), who was a stu­dent under Pro­fes­sor Josef Hoff­mann at the Vien­na School of Arts and Crafts, was nat­u­ral­ly influ­enced by the style of the Wiener Werk­stätte, where he worked ear­li­er in his career, design­ing fab­rics. From 1918 to 1920, he worked in Josef Hoff­man­n’s archi­tec­tur­al office. He received his archi­tec­tur­al diplo­ma in 1940. He taught at the Acad­e­my of Fur­ni­ture and Mod­el Build­ing from 1942 to 1944. In 1966, Wil­helm Foltin was award­ed the title of Pro­fes­sor.

The mod­el of this extrav­a­gant and intri­cate­ly exe­cut­ed table, we present here, is attrib­uted to Wil­helm Foltin, and reflects beau­ti­ful­ly the out­stand­ing fur­ni­ture design and crafts­man­ship that emerged in Aus­tria dur­ing the 1920s. Please click here to view this unique piece.