
Hans Miedler Fine Art

Hans Miedler has been dealing with art, fine antiques, and design objects worldwide for more than 30 years. He is passionate about finding excep­tion­al and unusu­al objects of high-quality craftsmanship and interesting provenance and restoring them in-house and with a selected group of work­shops using tra­di­tion­al methods, which has today become rare. Hans Miedler Fine Art's clien­tele includes muse­ums, patrons, col­lec­tors, art enthu­si­asts, archi­tects, and inte­ri­or design­ers, as well as pri­vate customers all over the world.

Palais Pallavicini

Josefsplatz 5, 1st district Vienna

We are locat­ed in one of Vien­na’s his­toric city palaces, the Palais Pallavici­ni, for­mer­ly Palais Fries, at Josef­s­platz, oppo­site the ensem­ble of the Vien­na Hof­burg, Nation­al Library, Span­ish Rid­ing School and Augus­tin­ian Church.

Objects Online

Fine Antiques & Design

Enjoy a selection of objects available online. Our showrooms in Vienna at Palais Pallavicini are home to a broad range of fine antiques starting with the late 17th cen­tu­ry through to the 18th and 19th cen­turies, and design objects of the 20th and 21st centuries. The qual­i­ty and unique­ness, as well as his­to­ry and prove­nance of the objects, is of utmost importance for us. We restore and revive with love and care in our inhouse-workshops using traditional methods.

Our Services

How we can serve you

We’re restor­ing and reviv­ing all our art objects and antiques with the utmost care and respect for tra­di­tion­al crafts­man­ship techniques. Over many years we've developed an extensive network of excellent restoration workshops. That enables us today to offer a wide range of restoration services for different genres. We also advise on Interior Design and are reliable partners for international shipping.

Ladies Writing Desk in Louis XV style * Highlight of the Month

France, last third of the 19th century

Truly elegant ladies writing desk in particularly delicate execution, France around 1880/1900.