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A Pair of Gilt Bronze Chenets

Last 3rd of the 19th Century, draft from Paris/Munich around 1715

Fine­ly mod­elled as recum­bent Sphinx wear­ing capes with the Fleur-de-Lis sym­bol, in the front part rest­ing on shields; orig­i­nal wrought iron.
Man­u­fac­tured and signed by Bouhon Frères/​Bouhon et Cie
Paris Expo­si­tion 1878 & 1900.

This mod­el is based on a design of the 18th cen­tu­ry, where we find sim­i­lar fig­ures in the park of Marly, in Château Vaux-le-Vicomte, Champs and Chan­til­ly. Anoth­er exam­ple is part of the Bavar­i­an Nation­al Muse­um col­lec­tion in Munich, most like­ly made by Guil­laume de Grof around 1715 for Elec­tor Max Emanuel for the Munich Residence. 

Guil­laume de Grof came to Paris around 1700 to devel­op and refine his crafts­man­ship. He might have received orders for the French Roy­al House already from up to 1708. De Grof then worked for Elec­tor Max Emanuel from 1714, who even­tu­al­ly brought him to Munich in 1716. His gild­ed lead sculp­tures for Max Emanuel’s gar­dens are one of his most sig­nif­i­cant works.

The head­quar­ters of the impor­tant man­u­fac­to­ry Mai­son Bouhon Frères (for­mer­ly Mai­son Clavier and lat­er Bouhon et Cie until 1898), was locat­ed in the Marais in Paris. The broth­ers Thomas and Joseph Bouhon were extreme­ly suc­cess­ful with their fine­ly chased and fire-gild­ed bronze work, espe­cial­ly with fire­place acces­sories, which were a nov­el­ty in this high qual­i­ty. They exhib­it­ed at the World’s Fairs 1878 and 1900 and received the gold medal of the inter­na­tion­al jury. 

Ver­gold­ete Bronzen. Die Bronzear­beit­en des Spät­barock und Klas­sizis­mus“, Ottomeyer/​Pröschl; pub­lished by Klinkardt & Biermann
HM Prunkchenets
Left the Chenets in our showrooms, below a model from the Bavarian National Museum Collection Munich (Residence) each H: 40 cm, W: 34 cm, D: 65 cm
HM Chenet