9 24 Ohrenfauteuils

A Pair of Viennese, gilded Fauteuils

around 1900

Rich­ly flo­ral and orna­men­tal carved and gild­ed frames. The padded backs with a car­touche and trail­ing leaves; padded out­ward scrolling arm sup­ports and loose seat cush­ions; on cabri­ole leaf dec­o­rat­ed legs.

These mano­r­i­al and com­fort­able Fau­teuils are per­fect for a cosy evening in front of the fire­place or to escape the every­day life with an excit­ing book in a library.

9 24 Ohrenfauteuils
Fauteuils H: 115 cm, W: 76 cm, D: 70 cm