HM Hocker Paargesamt1a

A Rare Pair of Gilded Tabourets

last 3rd of the 19th Century

The fine­ly carved mould­ed frame, with foli­ate and bead­ed dec­o­ra­tion, raised on four paw feet; 

Uphol­stered with fab­ric designed by Chris­t­ian Lacroix.

Rare to find, espe­cial­ly as a pair. These beau­ti­ful Tabourets fit both a clas­si­cal and mod­ern Inte­ri­or easily.

HM Hocker Paargesamt1
Tabourets H: 48 cm, B: 52 cm, T: 39 cm
3 12 2021 812 Edit
HM Hocker Paar D2