Two spec­tac­u­lar table tops with a unique colour palette and a stun­ning com­po­si­tion of fos­silized ele­ments; the fact that these beau­ti­ful objects out from a pri­vate fos­sil col­lec­tion con­tain pet­ri­fied tree trunks from cir­ca 200 to 250 mio. years ago, gives them a tru­ly spe­cial flair. 

The table base is flex­i­ble and can be arranged accord­ing to customer’s wish­es. Here we com­bined them with charm­ing iron cast table bases from a tra­di­tion­al cof­fee­house insti­tu­tion in Vien­na from the 19th cen­tu­ry.

HM Fossiltisch D2
HM Fossiltischgesamt2
Table Tops Diameter: c. 70,5 cm
IMG 6071
HM Fossil2