HM Biedermeier Luster gesamt

Elegant Biedermeier Ring Chandelier

Vienna, around 1825

This Vien­nese 12-light Chan­de­lier is very fine­ly executed.

The beau­ti­ful, foli­ate dec­o­rat­ed ceil­ing crown sus­pends the twelve gilt, orig­i­nal chains con­sist­ing of hard­wire and gilt wood­en beads, hold­ing the wood­en carved, mould­ed hoop, issu­ing the light arms, alter­nate­ly embell­ished with pal­mettes. The twelve hand-forged arms with wood­en carved blos­soms and foli­ate dec­o­ra­tion ter­mi­nate in torch­es, dec­o­rat­ed with carved flow­ers and shamrocks.

We find sim­i­lar designs in the drafts of Josef Dan­hauser (please see below), which today are part of the MAK col­lec­tion in Vien­na. The Geymüller Schlös­sel”, a venue in Vien­na, shows com­pa­ra­ble chan­de­lier mod­els (s. below) in their col­lec­tion on site. 

The Bie­der­meier Ring Chan­de­lier, we present here, is an excel­lent exam­ple for the ele­gance and aes­thet­ics of the Vien­nese design in the first 3rd of the 19th Cen­tu­ry. As in all pre­vi­ous epochs, there were spe­cial arti­sans, who proved an extra­or­di­nary sense for pro­por­tions and form result­ing in objects of high­est crafts­man­ship with great atten­tion to detail. Those mas­ter pieces were main­ly reserved for court­ly and aris­to­crat­ic clients.

Read more about the Geymüller Schlös­sel”, in Vienna

HM Biedermeier Lustergesamt2
Viennese Ring Chandelier H: 90 cm, Diameter: 90 cm
HM Biedermeier Luster D5
HM Biedermeier Luster D4
HM Biedermeier Luster D3
HM Entwurfszeichnung Danhauser1
Drafts by J. Danhauser - 3 examples
HM Entwurfszeichnung2
Danhauser Entwurf3
HM Geymuellerschloessl3
Collection Geymüller Schlössel in Vienna
IMG 8463
IMG 6786