3 12 2021 941 Edit

A Pair of Venetian Wall Sconces

circa 1825

A very rare pair of three-light wall sconces from the Venet­ian area, with love­ly orig­i­nal sil­ver-blue colour. It has nev­er been elec­tri­fied to this day thus pre­served in beau­ti­ful orig­i­nal condition. 

The wood­en carved wall fit­ment with orna­men­tal and Rocailles dec­o­ra­tion, issu­ing three hand-forged, foli­ate embell­ished arms, ter­mi­nat­ing in blos­som-shaped noz­zles.
Also inter­est­ing that this mod­el has been avail­able and man­u­fac­tured in the impe­r­i­al cap­i­tal, Vien­na too, but in a leaf-gilt ver­sion. Please see last pic­ture below, on the wall next to the Vien­nese Glass Vit­rine.

Pre­sum­ably, this pair of wall sconces is from parts in the Lom­bardy, Vene­to or from Tri­este, which was then part of the Empire of Aus­tria as the Hab­s­burg monarchy.

A fine exam­ple of how influ­ences of style and design exist­ed transna­tion­al­ly in the great monarchies.

A Pair of Wall Sconces H: c. 30 cm, D: c. 28.5 cm, W: c. 33 cm
3 12 2021 923 Edit
HM Salonvitrinegesamt2final
Same model of wall sconces in a leaf-gilt version, c. 1825 H: c. 30 cm; D: ca. 28.5 cm, W: c. 33 cm