HM Fornasetti

Wall Plate by Piero Fornasetti

From the series Temi e Variazioni, 80ies/with the face of the famous opera singer Lina Cavalieri

The Ital­ian artist and illus­tra­tor Piero For­naset­ti (19131988, Milan) was one of the wit­ti­est and inno­v­a­tive design tal­ents of the 20th cen­tu­ry. He cre­at­ed an unmis­tak­able, dec­o­ra­tive style com­bin­ing sur­re­al­ism, humour and intel­li­gence charm­ing­ly. His unique style and great pro­duc­tiv­i­ty caught the atten­tion of inter­na­tion­al soci­ety and the art scene ear­ly on. For­naset­ti also col­lab­o­rat­ed with sig­nif­i­cant artists of his time, such as Giò Pon­ti, Gior­gio de Chiri­co and Lucio Fontana.

The Rosen­thal porce­lain wall plates we are pre­sent­ing here are from the impor­tant series Temi e Vari­azioni” (Motive 1 please see above, Motive 5 see below to the left) and based on the face of the famous, adorable opera singer, the pas­sion­ate Ital­ian Lina Cav­a­lieri (18741944), who was renowned world­wide for her out­stand­ing tal­ent and beauty.

HM Fornasetti2
Plates by Piero Fornasetti, Rosenthal Porcellain Below: Portrait of Lina Cavalieri, by Giovanni Boldoni, oil on canvas, 1901
Boldini Natalina Cavalieri