HM Venez Lusterkl Gesamtneu

Colourful, Venetian Chandelier

First 3rd of the 20th Century

A​“Rez­zon­i­co” Chan­de­lier, named after the epony­mous fam­i­ly who built a Palace at the Canale Grande in Venice in 1750.

This 12-light col­or­ful Chan­de­lier is beau­ti­ful­ly dec­o­rat­ed with var­i­ous glass blos­soms, leaves and berries; from the rich­ly embell­ished receiv­ing bowl emerges the balus­ter on 2 lev­els, beau­ti­ful­ly embell­ished with applied blos­soms and leaves, and fin­ish­es in the ceil­ing fitment.

The hand forged, glass clad arms, are dec­o­rat­ed with hand­made glass ele­ments all over, ter­mi­nat­ing in large drip pans.

This charm­ing Chan­de­lier, with its rosé and blue base tones, can eas­i­ly fit both clas­si­cal and mod­ern Inte­ri­ors, and will cer­tain­ly con­tribute to a refined, unique atmos­phere in a room. Rare to find in this stun­ning orig­i­nal con­di­tion and fan­tas­tic provenance.

Please see here two exam­ples of Venet­ian Chan­de­liers in our selec­tion in larg­er sizes:

16-light and 24-light.

Our Chan­de­liers are under­go­ing a very pre­cise and care­ful ren­o­va­tion process in our inhouse work­shops and are fit­ted for electricity.

HM Venezianischer Luster gesamt2neu
Venetian Chandelier H: 140 cm, Diameter: 105 cm
HM Venezianischer Luster D3
HM Venezianischer Luster D4
HM Venez Luster D1