Impressive Lantern
Vienna, last 3rd of the 19th Century
This very special and rare piece is signed and manufactured by the outstanding Imperial court “K & K” metal worker and wrought iron artist Valerian Gillar (1839 Freiburg – 1927 Vienna). Elaborately forged, black-colored and leaf gilt; ornamental, foliate, floral, and Rocaille motif decoration; the foliate, pierced top partly with bombe shaped glass; four glass panels including one glazed door; 8‑light. Most likely out from a Viennese “Ringstraßen”-Palais.
Verfertigte Schlosserarbeiten aus der K.K. Hof-Bau- & Kunst-Schlosserei des Valerian Gillar Wien, V. Siebenbrunnergasse No.9“/About „the Imperial court “K & K” wrought iron and locksmith manufacture of Valerian Gillar in Vienna, V. Siebenbrunnengasse No. 9“

H: lantern body: circa 125 cm, Diameter: circa 113 cm