Sechseckige Jugendstil Schauvitrine 03 1

Small, Viennese Glass Display

from around 1900

Excep­tion­al design of a glass dis­play case exe­cut­ed in a hexag­o­nal shape. The frame is craft­ed in mahogany and shel­lac-pol­ished, with brass fit­tings and handles.

Stand­ing on six slight­ly tapered legs with hint­ed shoes, the dis­play case is equipped with a low­er sec­tion fea­tur­ing a glass shelf. The upper sec­tion of the dis­play case is sur­round­ed by glass on all sides and includes both a glass bot­tom and a glass lid with two han­dles, which can also be used as a tray when needed.

The six sides of the dis­play case com­part­ment are equipped with intri­cate spe­cial hinges for fold­ing out. When opened, these six sides act as shelves around the dis­play case.

The pur­pose of this like­ly cus­tom-made dis­play case is ver­sa­tile, rang­ing from a show­case and pre­sen­ta­tion case for glass, porce­lain, or sil­ver, to a bar or pas­try fur­ni­ture, and like­ly much more…

A per­fect piece of fur­ni­ture for the cen­ter of a room. Due to its numer­ous glass sur­faces and del­i­cate design, it does not visu­al­ly shrink rooms.

Sechseckige Jugendstil Schauvitrine 01 1
Viennese Glass Display H: 93 cm, Dm: 74 cm
Sechseckige Jugendstil Schauvitrine 05
Sechseckige Jugendstil Schauvitrine 06