Armsessel B Van Pelt 04

Pair of Large Armchairs

Bas van Pelt, Netherlands, around 1930

These two large arm­chairs are craft­ed from sol­id oak. Promi­nent fea­tures of this design include the wide, gen­tly curved arm­rests that ascend upward and the tall back­rest, com­posed of numer­ous round­ed wood­en rods. Despite their robust con­struc­tion, these chairs exude a cer­tain light­ness and transparency.

The arm­chairs have been refur­bished in our work­shop, new­ly uphol­stered, and cov­ered with dec­o­ra­tive fabric.

A beau­ti­ful ear­ly design that exem­pli­fies Van Pelt’s inno­va­tion and reflects align­ment with the Ams­ter­dam School or Bauhaus.

Bas­ti­aan Johannes (Bas) van Pelt (Dor­drecht, Novem­ber 5, 1900 — Camp Sand­bostel, May 241945)

Van Pelt attend­ed busi­ness school in The Hague. Start­ing in 1924, he worked in his father-in-law’s fur­ni­ture fac­to­ry. After sev­en years work­ing as an inte­ri­or archi­tect, Van Pelt took over the com­pa­ny Corn in The Hague, which was engaged in inte­ri­or design and found­ed in 1908 by Cor­nelis van der Sluys and HT Cool­wijk. Van Pelt gave this com­pa­ny a new name: My Home”. In the fol­low­ing years, he estab­lished addi­tion­al branch­es in oth­er cities. My Home” was estab­lished in Ams­ter­dam, the art gallery De Gulden Roos in Maas­tricht, and the art gallery Het Bin­nen­huis in Enschede. In 1936, van Pelt found­ed an archi­tec­tur­al firm with Ir. Jan Piets, which designed sev­er­al coun­try houses.

Van Pelt served on the boards of the Haagse Kun­stkring, the Lim­burg­er Kün­stlervere­in, and the Asso­ci­a­tion for Craft and Indus­tri­al Art. He was an entre­pre­neur, inte­ri­or archi­tect, fur­ni­ture design­er, and resis­tance fight­er dur­ing World War II.

Armsessel B Van Pelt 02
Armchairs by Bas van Pelt W: 62 cm, D: 80 cm, H: 102 cm
IMG 0713
Armsessel B Van Pelt 03