HM Wiener Korblustergesamt

Magnificent, Gilt Tent & Bag Chandelier around 1900


A rare Tent & Bag Glass Chan­de­lier, man­u­fac­tured in Vien­na around 1900, with eight arms and 19 lights alto­geth­er. The rich, hand-cut glass dec­o­ra­tion con­sists of the orig­i­nal, hand-cut glass ele­ments, such as taper­ing baguettes, small octagons, prisms and fur­ther char­ac­ter­is­ti­cal­ly shaped glass pendants.

The high-qual­i­ty, gilt frame is beau­ti­ful­ly elab­o­rat­ed with trail­ing foli­ate band dec­o­ra­tion, cen­tered by a four-leaf clover, issu­ing the eight arms with fine­ly foli­ate and blos­som dec­o­rat­ed can­dle noz­zles. Ele­gant­ly man­u­fac­tured, gilt pal­mettes are evolv­ing in between, inter­con­nect­ed with each oth­er, as well as with the arms, through beau­ti­ful hand-cut glass beads.
The finial has a small, blos­som embell­ished band with hand-cut glass pendants.

The crown of this excep­tion­al piece is won­der­ful­ly exe­cut­ed with a foli­ate dec­o­rat­ed rim, and gilt pal­mettes with glass bead pendants.

A rare, Vien­nese Chan­de­lier of remark­able qual­i­ty and con­di­tion, fit­ted with many lights, radi­at­ing a won­der­ful reflec­tion. It will be a mag­nif­i­cent addi­tion to every Interior.

HM Wiener Korblustergesamt1
Viennese Tent & Bag Chandelier H: 135 cm, W: 80 cm
HM Wiener Korbluster D2
HM Wiener Korbluster D1
HM Wiener Korbluster D4
HM Wiener Korbluster D7
HM Wiener Korbluster D3