HM Tischlampe Porzellangesamt

Exceptional Porcelain Table Lamp from the Augarten Porcelain Manufactory, Vienna

Design Ena Rottenberg, around 1930

The 1‑light porce­lain lamp, raised from a flat wood­en base, is glazed in a light beige tone, show­cas­ing a female fig­ure in bis­cuit porce­lain, with uncov­ered upper body sit­ting under a palm tree, sur­round­ed by leaves and fruit. The design per­fect­ly reflects the Art Deco era.

New­ly fit­ted with a hand-made white silk shade in the tra­di­tion of the Augarten Vien­na shades, with a soft-gold­en soutache. It is a tru­ly beau­ti­ful, del­i­cate­ly elab­o­rat­ed Table Lamp in the style of the Art Deco, almost remind­ing of Paul Gau­guin’s aesthetics.

The begin­nings of the Vien­nese porce­lain man­u­fac­to­ry go back to the 18th cen­tu­ry. It was the Dutch war agent at the court of Charles IV, Claudius Inno­cen­tius du Paquier, who brought the close­ly guard­ed secret of porce­lain pro­duc­tion from Meis­sen to Vien­na in 1717. For this he received from Emper­or Charles VI. a spe­cial priv­i­lege. He exclu­sive­ly was allowed to pro­duce porce­lain in the Aus­tri­an monar­chy. In 1718 he found­ed the sec­ond old­est porce­lain man­u­fac­to­ry in Europe in the area of​today’s Porzel­lan­gasse in Vienna.

In 1864, the rapid flour­ish­ing of for­eign porce­lain man­u­fac­to­ries led to the clo­sure of the most impor­tant porce­lain man­u­fac­to­ry in the Hab­s­burg Empire. Exact­ly 60 years lat­er, in 1923, the Vien­nese Porce­lain Man­u­fac­to­ry Augarten was reopened in the Augarten Palace and the pro­duc­tion of porce­lain con­tin­ued in the impe­r­i­al tra­di­tion. The Vien­na Augarten is one of the old­est baroque parks in Vien­na. The parc cre­at­ed by Joseph II was always intend­ed as a place of enter­tain­ment for all citizens.

The baroque gar­den was a place of cul­tur­al encoun­ters, where, for exam­ple, the famous morn­ing con­certs took place with the par­tic­i­pa­tion of W. A.​Mozart. Beethoven also played his Kreutzer Sonata here in front of an audi­ence for the first time in 1803. From the reopen­ing in 1923, many designs by con­tem­po­rary artists such as Josef Hoff­mann, Michael Powol­ny, Franz von Zülow, Ena Rot­ten­berg and oth­er rep­re­sen­ta­tives of the Wiener Werk­stätte” were real­ized. The man­u­fac­to­ry reached a new high point in its his­to­ry with Vien­nese Art Deco.

Ena Rot­ten­berg (18931952) trained at the Vien­na School of Applied Arts with Michael Powol­ny, among oth­ers, and is one of the most impor­tant artists whose designs were imple­ment­ed with great suc­cess in the first decades of the Augarten porce­lain man­u­fac­to­ry. The influ­ence of the Wiener Werk­stätte, to which Ena Rot­ten­berg belonged, clear­ly shows in her work. Her design lan­guage was always grace­ful and del­i­cate. Chi­nois­erie, mytho­log­i­cal or fairy­tale depic­tions in the style of Art Deco can be found in many of her works. She enabled the man­u­fac­to­ry to bridge the gap between tra­di­tion and moder­ni­ty in the 20th century.

Web­site Augarten Porce­lain Muse­um Vien­na: https://​www​.augarten​.com/​en/po…

HM Tischlampe Porzellan D1
Table Lamp by Ena Rottenberg, Augarten Vienna Total H : 54 cm, Diameter: 35 cm
HM Tischlampe Porzellan D2