Grosser Wiener Glasluster 02a

Splendid Viennese Glass Chandelier

Around 1900

The large Vien­nese Chan­de­lier is made from a hand-forged, bronzed chan­de­lier frame, which is dec­o­rat­ed on both sides with glass bands and glass rosettes.

The chan­de­lier col­umn of this splen­did piece is adorned with large, intri­cate­ly hand-cut glass ele­ments in mag­ni­fy­ing glass and hon­ey­comb shapes.

18 flames are arranged in two tiers and dec­o­rat­ed with beau­ti­ful glass cups adorned with head prisms.

The heavy glass pen­dants, which are up to 19 cm in size and metic­u­lous­ly hand-cut in var­i­ous shapes, cre­ate a stun­ning light reflec­tion, mak­ing this chan­de­lier the cen­ter­piece of any room.

The low­er part of the chan­de­lier, known as the bas du lus­tre,” fea­tures a hol­low blown glass ele­ment in the shape of a pear, exquis­ite­ly cut in hon­ey­comb, ellipse, and leaf shapes.

Chan­de­liers with such large glass ele­ments and dec­o­ra­tions are extreme­ly rare to find in the art market.

Grosser Wiener Glasluster 02
Viennese Chandelier Chandelier body height: approx. 115 cm, Diameter: 100 cm
Grosser Wiener Glasluster 05a
Grosser Wiener Glasluster 03
Grosser Wiener Glasluster 06a