Aufsatzschrank Thonat 01

Rare, small Glass Showcase or Cabinet

Vienna around 1900/1904

Exe­cut­ed by the sig­nif­i­cant Vien­nese fur­ni­ture man­u­fac­tur­er Jacob & Josef Kohn. The design of this fur­ni­ture is attrib­uted to the Aus­tri­an inte­ri­or archi­tect and fur­ni­ture design­er GUSTAF SIEGEL (Vien­na 1880 — 1970) or KOLO­MAN MOSER (Vien­na 1868 — 1918). 

Gustaf Siegel was hired as the chief design­er at Jacob & Josef Kohn on the rec­om­men­da­tion of Josef Hoff­mann. Kolo­man Moser is con­sid­ered one of the most sig­nif­i­cant Aus­tri­an painters, graph­ic design­ers, and arti­sans. He was a found­ing mem­ber of the Vien­na Seces­sion and the Wiener Werk­stät­ten”. This mod­el was depict­ed in the J&J Kohn cat­a­log start­ing in 1904

Exe­cut­ed in beech and beech bent­wood, stained to sim­u­late mahogany veneer and pol­ished shel­lac fin­ish. The base stands on four legs with brass sabots and is designed with two doors and a main draw­er flanked by two small draw­ers. The upper dis­play case is exe­cut­ed with two doors and with bev­elled glass on three sides and one glass shelf. The entire fur­ni­ture piece is dec­o­rat­ed with beau­ti­ful brass fit­tings and label signed on the back.

A beau­ti­ful, time­less, and ele­gant piece of fur­ni­ture that fits per­fect­ly in both mod­ern and clas­sic interiors.

Lit­er­a­ture: Bugholzmö­bel — Meubles en bois cour­bé — Bent wood fur­ni­ture; Can­dilis, G., A Blom­st­edt T. Fran­goulis, see image at the bottom.

Aufsatzschrank Thonat 02
Cabinet, executed by Jacob & Josef Kohn H: 200 cm, W: 80 cm, D: 46.5 cm
Aufsatzschrank Thonat 04 copy
Aufsatzschrank Thonat 04
Aufsatzschrank Thonat 05
IMG 0309