HM Jugenstil Spiegelgesamt

Decorative Jugendstil Mirror from circa 1900

In the style of Majorelle or Guimard

Very fine­ly and ele­gant­ly swept carved frame in nut wood with blos­soms and foli­ate dec­o­ra­tion. A vivid­ly carved female head sur­mounts it with fine­ly elab­o­rat­ed, long hair; inset with the orig­i­nal, bev­elled mir­ror plate in iden­ti­cal swept shape. 

A beau­ti­ful­ly exe­cut­ed, dec­o­ra­tive mir­ror from the hey­days of the flo­ral Art Nouveau/​Jugendstil period.

HM Jugendstil Spiegel D1
Art Noveau Mirror H: 96 cm, W: 61 cm
HM Jugendstil Spiegel D2