Artdeco Fauteuil 01

A Pair of Extraordinary Art Deco Fauteuils

Design around 1910/20

The excep­tion­al­ly beau­ti­ful design of these two large arm­chairs per­fect­ly reflects the ele­gance and style of the ear­ly 20th century.

The ful­ly uphol­stered and intri­cate­ly craft­ed arm­chairs have been reuphol­stered in our work­shops fol­low­ing tra­di­tion­al meth­ods and are new­ly cov­ered with Alcan­tara fab­ric. The back­rest of the arm­chairs is ele­vat­ed in rela­tion to the arm­rests and fea­tures beveled cor­ners, pro­vid­ing an incred­i­bly high lev­el of seat­ing com­fort. The front of the chairs is elab­o­rate­ly fin­ished with a so-called dou­ble Chatose in a gen­tly curved shape.

Hand-cov­ered uphol­stery nails serve as an extrav­a­gant design ele­ment on the sides and back of the arm­chairs. The legs are made of beech­wood, stained dark, with the front legs slight­ly tapered and the rear legs sub­tly splayed.

We find sim­i­lar styl­is­tic fea­tures in the arm­chairs designed by archi­tects and design­ers of the Wiener Werk­stätte, par­tic­u­lar­ly Josef Hoff­mann, who cre­at­ed a com­pa­ra­ble design around 1905 for the Palais Sto­clet. Unlike Hoffmann’s design for the Palais Sto­clet, this ver­sion, with its ele­vat­ed back­rest in rela­tion to the arm­rests, offers par­tic­u­lar­ly high seat­ing comfort.

Artdeco Fauteuil 05
Art Deco Fauteuils H: 85 cm, W: 85 cm, D: 84 cm
Artdeco Fauteuil 09