Franz Prunkvitrine 01

Magnificent and Extremely Rare Salon Vitrine

France, end of the 19th century

The design of this extra­or­di­nar­i­ly elab­o­rate vit­rine, most like­ly made in Paris, dates back to around 188090. This fine­ly exe­cut­ed piece of fur­ni­ture is veneered in so-called tulip­wood, which belongs to the rosewood/​palisander fam­i­ly, and adorned with del­i­cate Bronze Doré appliqués.

The ele­gant vit­rine is raised on four cabri­ole-shaped legs, each dec­o­rat­ed with large acan­thus leaves. The low­er struc­ture of the vit­rine fea­tures a beau­ti­ful­ly curved and bom­bé shape on all three sides, with quadru­ple-mir­rored veneer and an excep­tion­al­ly rich Bronze Doré includ­ing flo­ral gar­lands, grass­es, and foliage.

The large, cen­tral­ly posi­tioned, and bom­bé-shaped glass door is framed by two con­cave glass pan­els on either side. All four cor­ners of the piece are embell­ished along their entire height with dec­o­ra­tive bands, bows, and flo­ral motifs. The crown­ing accents on the four cor­ners con­sist of four beau­ti­ful­ly sculpt­ed female heads, known as Espag­no­lettes,” fine­ly chis­eled with high col­lars and intri­cate­ly styled hair adorned with feath­ers and bows.

At the cen­ter of the vit­rine’s upper sec­tion, a large acan­thus leaf serves as the focal point, extend­ing into elab­o­rate dec­o­ra­tive ele­ments on both sides. The inte­ri­or is fit­ted with four glass shelves, a mir­rored back pan­el, and a fine­ly craft­ed ceil­ing lined with silk.

This mod­el of a small salon vit­rine is undoubt­ed­ly one of the finest designs of its time. It is par­tic­u­lar­ly note­wor­thy because, while the most opu­lent and elab­o­rate pieces were typ­i­cal­ly craft­ed for the grand recep­tion rooms of palaces and man­sions, small­er vit­rines like this one were often designed in a more restrained man­ner. This piece, how­ev­er, stands out for its rich­ly curved and bom­bé shapes, elab­o­rate glass­work, and exquis­ite, fine­ly chis­eled, and beau­ti­ful­ly gild­ed bronze details.

Only very few exam­ples of this vit­rine are like­ly to be found on the inter­na­tion­al art mar­ket. Its design and crafts­man­ship can­not be attrib­uted to a sin­gle mak­er with certainty.

This mod­el was prob­a­bly pro­duced in very lim­it­ed num­bers by sev­er­al of the most renowned ébénistes and cab­i­net­mak­ers of the peri­od. There are indi­ca­tions that the pres­ti­gious work­shop of Mai­son Krieger was among those who cre­at­ed such vitrines.

The ele­gant vit­rine has been care­ful­ly restored in our in-house work­shops using tra­di­tion­al meth­ods. The orig­i­nal gild­ed bronzes have been care­ful­ly cleaned, the wood­en struc­ture has been hand-pol­ished with shel­lac, and the ceil­ing has been lined with moiré silk on a sten­cil, allow­ing the piece to shine once again in mag­nif­i­cent condition.

Franz Prunkvitrine 10
Magnificent Vitrine H: 191 cm, W: 108 cm, D: 42cm
Franz Prunkvitrine 09
Franz Prunkvitrine 06
Franz Prunkvitrine 08
Franz Prunkvitrine 12
Franz Prunkvitrine 13