Hans Miedler Fine Art Mangiarotti Marble Console

Marble Console

Draft Angelo Mangiarotti from the series Eros around 1970

Beau­ti­ful con­sole table made in white, bright grey veined Car­rara Marble.

The two, cone-shaped pil­lars are enclosed by the ellip­ti­cal top through round cut-outs. Incred­i­bly ele­gant design which doesn’t require any con­nec­tions and joints, it is sole­ly based on the nat­ur­al grav­i­ty of the elements.

Ange­lo Man­gia­rot­ti (Feb­ru­ary 26, 1921 in Milan – June 30, 2012) was an Ital­ian indus­tri­al design­er and archi­tect.

The archi­tect, design­er and sculp­tor Ange­lo Man­gia­rot­ti was an out­stand­ing per­son­al­i­ty in his pro­fes­sion thanks to his great abil­i­ty and his wide-rang­ing expe­ri­ence, which ranged from prod­uct design and sculp­ture to archi­tec­ture. The archi­tect, born in Milan in 1921, worked on the design of the Milan Tri­en­nale in 1948 short­ly after grad­u­at­ing in archi­tec­ture from the Politec­ni­co di Milano.

A few years lat­er he went to the Unit­ed States as a guest pro­fes­sor and met some of the most famous archi­tects of the 20th cen­tu­ry, such as Frank Lloyd Wright, Wal­ter Gropius and Lud­wig Mies van der Rohe. From 1953 to 1954 he was a guest lec­tur­er in design at the Illi­nois Insti­tute of Tech­nol­o­gy (IIT) in Chica­go. In 1955 he returned to Milan and found­ed an office with his col­league Bruno Moras­sut­ti, which exist­ed between 1955 and 1960.

Dur­ing these years, the focus was pri­mar­i­ly on prod­uct design and res­i­den­tial build­ings such as e.g. B. the dis­trict of Fel­tre in Milan. The first ver­sion of his famous 59” chair was also cre­at­ed in those years. In 1960 Ange­lo Man­gia­rot­ti joined the Asso­ci­a­zone per il Dis­eg­no Indus­tri­ale and opened his own office.

Fol­low­ing select design high­lights:

In 1953 the design for the Cav­al­let­to” mod­u­lar book­case was born.

In 1961 Man­gia­rot­ti advis­es the car man­u­fac­tur­er Alfa Romeo and designs a wind tun­nel for the study and pro­to­typ­ing of vehi­cles for them.

In 1967 he designed the two lamps Les­bo” and Saf­fo” for Artemide with a base made of pol­ished met­al and a body made of Mura­no glass.

In 1967 he also designed Gio­gali” col­lec­tion for Vetre­ria Vis­tosi, rep­re­sent­ing Man­gia­rot­ti’s vision per­fect­ly

In 1967 Man­gia­rot­ti designed the IN 301” arm­chair for the Zan­ot­ta brand, a beau­ti­ful exam­ple of Ital­ian design and part of the per­ma­nent col­lec­tion of the Tri­en­nale Muse­um in Milan.

For the com­pa­ny Colle Cristal­le­ria, where Man­gia­rot­ti was artis­tic direc­tor from 1986 to 1992, he main­ly cre­at­ed crys­tal glass objects

The most well-known works include the projects for Agape, includ­ing the Eros series made of Car­rara mar­ble.

As well as the Tre3” chair, designed in 1978 and still mar­ket­ed today.


Chica­go, exhi­bi­tion at Illi­nois Insti­tute of Tech­nol­o­gy, 1955

Flo­rence, La casa abi­ta­ta” exhi­bi­tion, 1965

Vien­na, exhi­bi­tion at Uni­ver­si­ty of Archi­tec­ture, 1965

Lubiana, exhi­bi­tion, 1966

Delft, exhi­bi­tion at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Archi­tec­ture, 1967

Losan­na, exhi­bi­tion at Uni­ver­si­ty of Archi­tec­ture, 1974

Milan, par­tic­i­pa­tion to the exhi­bi­tion Cinquan­ta anni di architet­tura ital­iana dal 1928 al 1978”. Orga­nized by Domus and the Munic­i­pal­i­ty of Milan. 

Palaz­zo delle Stelline, 1979

Prog­et­ti con l’oro” exhi­bi­tion. Palaz­zo Strozzi, Flo­rence. Castel­lo Sforzesco, Milan, 1981

Gen­o­va, exhi­bi­tion at San­t’Agosti­no Church, 1982

La Chaux de Fonds, Expo­si­tion du vint-cinquieme anniver­seire des locaux du Club 44”, 1983

Paris, exhi­bi­tion and con­fer­ence at Cen­tre George Pom­pi­dou, 1983

Chica­go, exhi­bi­tion and con­fer­ence at Expo Cen­ter, 1983

Exhi­bi­tion and con­fer­ence. Muse­um of sci­ence of Oslo and muse­um of Trond­heim, 1985

Exhi­bi­tion of alabaster sculp­tures. Gal­le­ria Loren­zel­li, Milan. Palaz­zo dei Pri­ori, Volter­ra, 1986

Milan, exhi­bi­tion of poly­chrome wood sculp­tures at San Car­po­foro Church, 1988

Los Ange­les, The new Ital­ian Stone Age” exhi­bi­tion. Cal­i­for­nia Muse­um of Sci­ence and Indus­try, 1989

Flo­rence, exhi­bi­tion at Gift. Fortez­za da bas­so, 1991

Exhi­bi­tion at the Fac­ul­ty of Archi­tec­ture. Politec­ni­co di Milano, 1991

Tokyo, par­tic­i­pa­tion to the exhi­bi­tion Abitare Italia”, 1991

Mona­co di Baviera, exhi­bi­tion at Tech­nis­chen Uni­ver­sität, 1998

Car­rara, IL DNA del­la scul­tura” exhi­bi­tion. Orga­nized by the Munic­i­pal­i­ty of Car­rara and Inter­nazionale Mar­mi e Mac­chine at Suf­fra­gio Church, 1999

Venice, steel sculp­tures exhi­bi­tion. Orga­nized by Cini Foun­da­tion, San Gior­gio Mag­giore Island, 2001

Milan, sculp­tures exhi­bi­tion. Show­room Cap­pelli­ni, 2001

Tri­en­nale di Milano, exhi­bi­tion of Ange­lo Man­gia­rot­ti works — archi­tec­ture, design, sculp­ture, 2002

Man­tua, sculp­tures exhi­bi­tion. Show­room Agape, 2002

Tokyo, con­fer­ence and exhi­bi­tion of Ange­lo Man­gia­rot­ti works. Gallery-MA, 2004Mantova, anthol­o­gy exhi­bi­tion Scoloire-Costru­ire” orga­nized by Agape, 2009

Calen­zano di Firen­ze, exhi­bi­tion Ange­lo Man­gia­rot­ti Design­er”, 2010

Mari­na di Car­rara, exhi­bi­tion and pre­sen­ta­tion of the book Ange­lo Man­gia­rot­ti”, 2010

Milano, exhi­bi­tion The draw­ings of Ange­lo Man­gia­rot­ti” Gal­le­ria Exits, 2010

Tokyo, exhi­bi­tion Ange­lo Man­gia­rot­ti- Phi­los­o­phy of the mae­stro” orga­nized by Isti­tu­to di Cul­tura di Tokyo, 2012

Milano, exhi­bi­tion Ret­ro­spet­ti­va: 60 anni di attiv­ità dell’Architetto Ange­lo Man­gia­rot­ti” orga­nized by Gal­le­ria Soz­zani, 2013

Pub­li­ca­tions — Ange­lo Man­gia­rot­ti Foundation

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Hans Miedler Session 212 Edit
Console Table in Carrara Marble H: 71 cm, L: 178 cm, D: 45 cm
Hans Miedler Session 199 Edit
Hans Miedler Session 186 Edit
Hans Miedler Session 194 Edit