Significant Mirror Console, Masterpiece by Rappa & Giobbe Munich, Germany
This masterpiece was made by Rappa & Giobbe for the grand Berlin Art Exhibition. It might also have possibly been shown already earlier, at the World Exhibition in Chicago in 1893 in “The German Pavillion”, at which Rappa & Giobbe took part besides F. Radspieler. This isn’t entirely confirmed. Whereas it is certainly confirmed and documented for the Berlin Art Exhibition 1894.
Rappa & Giobbe were renowned far beyond Munich’s borders as stuccoers and sculptures of the royal court. As Royal Bavarian purveyor to the court, they had the privilege to work for Ludwig II, the Bavarian King, and contributed to his castles’ facilities. This astonishingly elaborated Mirror Console of the highest quality in craftsmanship and carving work somebody may count among the most exquisite examples of their extrordinary abilities. Objects like this, were mostly made for aristocratic family’s, or upcoming bourgeoisie with its factory owners and financiers and it can be for sure considered as the most elaborated masterpieces of this time.
The console is raised on four swept legs, richly decorated with carved rocailles, blossoms, and leaves. The slightly re-entrant legs are connected with a decorated cross joint with a blossom and foliate embellished cartouche.
The final wreath of the console table is richly decorated all around with rocaille and leaf motifs. In the center we find a cartouche decorated with acanthus, embellished with a wickerwork, just like the side elements.
The moulded and curved top in stucco marble has a stunning colour combination, and is a prime example of the high standard of craftsmanship. The magnificent mirror is lavishly carved. We find flowers, acanthus and foliage all around, as well as rocailles, cartouches and egg-and-dart decorations.
Besonders hervorzuheben ist das vollplastisch ausgeführte Schnitzwerk, wo sogar das Geäst der Blätter vollplastisch aus einem Stück heraus geschnitzt wurde. Mittig ist der Spiegel mit je einer zweiflammigen, in vergoldeter Bronze und mit feinem Blattwerk gezierte Applike ausgeführt.
Particularly noteworthy is the three-dimensional carving; even the branches of the leaves were carved from one piece. In the center of the mirror is a two-flame appliqué in gilded bronze and decorated with fine foliage.
The upward striving frame is designed with a richly decorated amphora on the left and right. The center is formed by a cartouche, with a magnificent amphora on top and a lavishly carved flower decoration. This is connected on both sides by two cornices rising to the shape of a gable, flanked by large dragons in motion.
This magnificent mirror console is made in lime wood, partially gilt. The original mirror plate is designed in a curved and faceted form.
Documented in “Große Berliner Kunst-Ausstellung” (The Grand Berlin Art Exhibition), 1894, Catalog — Publisher Rud. Schuster, Berlin
Personal comment:
Just like this impressive mirror console presented here, outstanding masterpieces were mostly made as key pieces for large international art exhibitions, as an attempt to attract international clientel and differentiate from competitors. This usually resulted in further orders for the aristocracy or the up-and-coming bourgeoisie.
Firms such as Rappa & Giobbe or F. Radspieler were responsible for the magnificent design of the castles and mansions of this time and still let us walk through the rooms they designed in amazement.