Hans Miedler Session 185 Edit 2

Large Convertible Desk or Vanity Table

19th Century

This extra­or­di­nary table is fine­ly made in wal­nut and wal­nut veneer on soft wood. The veneer is beau­ti­ful­ly trail­ing with its stun­ning pat­tern, and exe­cut­ed in mir­rored form. 

The recten­gu­lar main part is raised on four square, taper­ing legs, sup­port­ed by swept cor­ner ele­ments, and ter­mi­nat­ing in bronze shoes and rolls.

When closed, this object intrigues with a sur­pris­ing­ly clear design. The cen­ter has a main draw­er, above a fold­able, and mov­able mir­ror, which reveals a large com­part­ment. To the left are two fold­able and con­i­cal­ly shaped shelves, reveal­ing a writ­ing sur­face with a small com­part­ment for inkwells and pens, with a gold rimmed, embossed green leather.

Under­neath the fold­able writ­ing sur­face is a stor­age shelf above two small­er draw­ers. To the right of the table are two fold­able, straight plates, hid­ing a deep com­part­ment, with a slide­able plate above. All draw­ers and com­part­ments are lock­able, each with key.

At the first sight, this table seems of very reduced, ele­gant, almost mod­ern design, enhanced by the wal­nut veneers’ fine grain, and the applied, shield-shaped, ebonized mounts.

No bronze fit­ting or orna­ment dis­turbe the strict lines of this design draft. Only through open­ing, this spec­tac­u­lar piece of fur­ni­ture reveals its vari­ety, as van­i­ty table or a writ­ing desk with var­i­ous com­part­ments, a read­ing shelf, and drawers.

Fol­low­ing more history:

One of the most impor­tant fur­ni­ture mak­ers of the 18th cen­tu­ry was David Roent­gen. Roent­gen devel­oped the type of con­vert­ible fur­ni­ture at the peak of his career. Con­vert­ible fur­ni­ture was among the most sought-after objects in his work­shop. Sig­nif­i­cant pieces are now in the pos­ses­sion of the House of Saxe-Gotha-Coburg, the Dukes of Saxe-Weimar-Eise­nach, the House of Würt­tem­berg, the David Col­lec­tion in Copen­hagen and Pawlovsk Cas­tle to just name a few. Cather­ine II also acquired a large num­ber of Roent­gen’s fur­ni­ture for the Tsar’s court in St. Petersburg…

Hans Miedler Session 206 Edit
Convertible Desk or Vanity Table W: 145 cm, D: 60 cm, H: 90 cm
Hans Miedler Session 232 Edit
Hans Miedler Session 202 Edit
Hans Miedler Session 199
Hans Miedler Session 185 Edit 2
Hans Miedler Session 225 Edit
Hans Miedler Session 208 Edit
Hans Miedler Session 247 Edit