Hans Miedler Session 401

Small Side Table from 1840

Salon Table

This dec­o­ra­tive, small Salon Table in wal­nut wood, wal­nut veneer, and burl wood veneer is raised on four slight­ly swept legs, embell­ished with a medal­lion and acan­thus leaf on the upper part.

The table is designed for the cen­ter of the room since he has draw­ers on both long sides. On one side is the main draw­er with lock and key, on the oth­er side are two low­er draw­ers on top of each oth­er.
The upper draw­er is divid­ed into sev­er­al com­part­ments, and comes with a lock and key. The draw­er under­neath is mono­grammed with a cen­ter but­ton as handle. 

The table top is very nice­ly exe­cut­ed in dark burl wood veneer with a sur­round­ing frieze. It is a beau­ti­ful piece from the mid of the 19th century. 

Hans Miedler Session 377
Salon Table W: 76,5 cm, D: 62 cm, H: 79,5 cm
Hans Miedler Session 452
Hans Miedler Session 393
Hans Miedler Session 425
Hans Miedler Session 370
Hans Miedler Session 408