Glass Vitrine by Banting and France
London, circa 1830
Manufactured by Thomas Banting and William France for the Ickworth House/Lord Marquess of Bristol.
In Mahogany solid wood and veneer; on turned, fluted legs joined by a serpentine undertier. The taller middle section with two glazed doors and glass shelves, flanked by lower parts with oval-shaped glass and one glass shelve inside; very fine brass inlay decoration in the front, a pierced gallery on top.
Thomas Banting and William France almost exclusively manufactured the furniture for the Ickworth House and were also the royal cabinetmakers in the reigns of George III, George IV, William IV und Queen Victoria. The furniture of the Ickworth House gradually moved into the National Trust.

Glass Vitrine
W: 190 cm, D: 48 cm, H: 173 cm