HM Banting Glasvitrinegesamt

Glass Vitrine by Banting and France

London, circa 1830

Man­u­fac­tured by Thomas Bant­i­ng and William France for the Ick­worth House/​Lord Mar­quess of Bristol.

In Mahogany sol­id wood and veneer; on turned, flut­ed legs joined by a ser­pen­tine under­ti­er. The taller mid­dle sec­tion with two glazed doors and glass shelves, flanked by low­er parts with oval-shaped glass and one glass shelve inside; very fine brass inlay dec­o­ra­tion in the front, a pierced gallery on top. 

Thomas Bant­i­ng and William France almost exclu­sive­ly man­u­fac­tured the fur­ni­ture for the Ick­worth House and were also the roy­al cab­i­net­mak­ers in the reigns of George III, George IV, William IV und Queen Vic­to­ria. The fur­ni­ture of the Ick­worth House grad­u­al­ly moved into the Nation­al Trust.

HM Banting Glasvitrine D2
Glass Vitrine W: 190 cm, D: 48 cm, H: 173 cm
HM Banting Glasvitrine D3
HM Banting Glasvitrine D1
HM kl Ausiehtischrundmit Banting France Vitrine