Hans Miedler Session 622

An Exceptional Pair of Large, Lit Glass Amphorae

Italy, 1st half of the 20th Century

These are absolute­ly spec­tac­u­lar amphorae vas­es, elab­o­rate­ly craft­ed of glass beads, baguettes, and mir­ror sur­faces all over, ris­ing from a square, low­er base with mir­rors each side, framed by amber-col­ored strings out of small glass beads. 

The slight­ly con­i­cal shaped base above con­sists of large, cut glass baguettes, and of a re-entrant cen­ter orna­ment on each side of both clear and amber-col­ored glass beads. One of them func­tions charm­ing­ly as a door with a tiny handle. 

The amphorae are applied with ele­gant curved, large han­dles on top, com­plet­ing this rich, impres­sive orna­men­tal and flo­ral decoration.

The base struc­ture and the amphorae itself are lit from the inside with var­i­ous light­bulbs and radi­ate a truy­ly glam­orous, mag­ic aura. 

This is a very spe­cial pair, rare to find on the inter­na­tion­al mar­ket. Cer­tain­ly a high­light and great state­ment piece in every Interior.

Hans Miedler Session 581
Magnificent Lit Amphorae H: 204 cm, W: 54 cm, D: 46 cm
Hans Miedler Session 613
Hans Miedler Session 584
Hans Miedler Session 634 Edit
Hans Miedler Session 610