HM Wandapplikemit Masche KL

A Pair of Elegant Bronze Doré Wall Lights

around 1900

Very fine, beau­ti­ful­ly gilt Wall Sconces with a flut­ed, foli­ate dec­o­rat­ed wall fit­ment, sur­mount­ed by a rib­bon. The two can­dle arms have foli­ate embell­ished drip pans and orna­men­tal­ly dec­o­rat­ed nozzles.

This pair will be an ele­gant, dis­creet addi­tion to every Interior.

We also have a slight­ly larg­er dimen­sioned pair in stock. Please click here.

All our wall sconces get inspect­ed, ren­o­vat­ed, and new­ly fit­ted for elec­tric­i­ty with utmost care in our inhouse-workshops.

HM Wandapplikenmit Masche KL
Bronze Doré Wall Sconces H: 43 cm, W: 22 cm
HM Wandapplikemit Masche D2
HM Wandapplikemit Masche KLD1
HM Wandapplikenmit Masche KL Ambiente