HM Baden Spiegelgesamtneu

Magnificant Mirror from the 19th Century

From the „Karslruhe Castle” in Germany, collection of the important Grand Duke and Margrave from Baden-Baden

This very rare Stand­ing or Tilt­ing Mir­ror is of excep­tion­al, high-qual­i­ty crafts­man­ship, exquis­ite­ly carved and leaf gilded.

Raised from a rich­ly orna­men­tal and Acan­thus leaves dec­o­rat­ed base, scrolling feet with lit­tle wheels, and con­nect­ed by a Rocaille embell­ished joint. Two beau­ti­ful­ly carved and rich­ly dec­o­rat­ed ris­ing pil­lars, ter­mi­nat­ing in very fine­ly craft­ed, winged drag­ons, sup­port the gilt framed mir­ror plate on both side with large, embell­ished fit­tings.

The exquis­ite­ly carved, rich­ly dec­o­rat­ed mir­ror frame has a won­der­ful­ly craft­ed car­touche on the low­er part and fin­ish­es in a lav­ish­ly exe­cut­ed crown in the roco­co style. Orna­ments, sea waves, car­touche shaped ele­ments, and vivid­ly carved drag­ons are exquis­ite­ly com­bined and once again show the extra­or­di­nary crafts­man­ship of this stun­ning object of sig­nif­i­cant prove­nance.
Inven­to­ry label: Schloss — Inven­tar Karl­sruhe

An impres­sive, extreme­ly rare piece with out­stand­ing provenance! 

More about the history:

The Karl­sruhe Schloss (cas­tle), built in the Baroque style at the begin­ning of 1715, was from then on the res­i­dence of Mar­grave Karl Wil­helm von Baden-Durlach. Up until 1918 it served as a res­i­den­tial palace for the Mar­graves and Grand Dukes of Baden, Ger­many. In the years 1843 to 1847, Grand Duke Leopold (17901852) restruc­tured parts of the Karl­sruhe cas­tle. The fur­ni­ture was adapt­ed to the zeit­geist of the time and redesigned with objects from the 1840s. Grand Duke Friedrich I (1826 — 1907) then redesigned the for­mer apart­ments of Elec­tor Carl Friedrich (1728 — 1811) and Louise Car­o­line von Hochberg (1768 — 1820) in the Roco­co style for his wife Luise Princess of Prus­sia (1838 — 1923). 

This mag­nif­i­cent mir­ror, which was prob­a­bly com­mis­sioned by the Elec­toral House, also dates from this era.

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Magnificent Mirror from the 19th Century H: 273 cm, W: 122 cm, D: 98 cm 
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