HM Lobmeyr Luster15lightgesamt1

Magnificent, Very Rare Chandelier

From the significant manufactory Lobmeyr, designed by Ludwig Lobmeyr 1870

This remark­able 15-light, fine­ly gilt Chan­de­lier is a beau­ti­ful mod­el draft­ed by Lud­wig Lob­meyr in 1870.

The five swept main arms ter­mi­nate in 10 side arms on the low­er lev­el and 5 armes in the lev­el above. The 15 can­dles have gilt noz­zles and beau­ti­ful elab­o­rat­ed glass drip pans.
All arms are embell­ished with var­i­ous hand-cut glass pen­dants and glass beads dec­o­ra­tion. The Chan­de­lier stem con­sists of beau­ti­ful hand-cut glass ele­ments, crowned by a gilt bronze wreath, with small arms dec­o­rat­ed with very fine Bronze Doré string of pearls and very fine elab­o­rat­ed glass pen­dants.

The entire Chan­de­lier is abun­dant­ly dec­o­rat­ed with stun­ning, hand-cut glass pen­dants and very fine Bronze Doré orna­ments.
Very spe­cial are also the five jew­el-like pen­dants on a Bronze Doré pearl string with fine cut prisms and beads.
All glass ele­ments are of high­est, tru­ly refined qual­i­ty, the Vien­nese man­u­fac­to­ry Lob­meyr undoubt­ed­ly stands for.

A per­fect exam­ple for the peri­od when Lob­meyr already worked for the new clients who built all the beau­ti­ful Palaces on the Wiener Ringstraße. Theophil Hansen, for exam­ple, was one of sig­nif­i­cant archi­tects who designed not only the build­ings but also the Inte­ri­ors.
His phi­los­o­phy was that only the com­bi­na­tion of design of a build­ing and the Inte­ri­or turn it into a Gesamtkunst­werk”.

Read more about T. Hansen and one of the for­mer own­ers of our cur­rent loca­tion, the Palais Pallavici­ni in Vien­na. Frei­herr Georg Simon von Sina and his fam­i­ly owned the palace at Josef­s­platz from 1828 to 1842 by click­ing here. Also, we intro­duce an ele­gant leather arm­chair by T. Hansen in our col­lec­tion, click here.

This Chan­de­lier here reflects per­fect­ly the style of this time.

All our Chan­de­liers under­go a care­ful inspec­tion and ren­o­va­tion process in our inhouse-work­shop, and are new­ly fit­ted for electricity.

HM Lobm Luster15light D1a
Lobmeyr Chandelier, 15-light H: 100 cm, W: 80 cm
HM Lobm Luster15light D1
HM Lobmeyr Luster15light D6
HM Lobm Luster15light D2
HM Lobm Luster15light D5
HM Lobm Luster15light D4
HM Lobmeyr Luster D7