HM Frz Armstuehle A La Reinegesamt

Magnificent, French Armchairs „A La Reine"

from the Manufactory Maison Forest, Paris 2nd Half of the 19th Century

The design of these arm­chairs is based on a draft from the mas­ter Jean-Bap­tiste Claude Séné, Paris 1770.

Extra­or­di­nary, leaf-gild­ed fau­teuils of high­est qual­i­ty show­cas­ing extra­or­di­nary crafts­man­ship; fine­ly carved, trail­ing blos­soms, foli­ate and bead­ed dec­o­rat­ed frame, raised on four flut­ed, taper­ing legs.

Back­rest, seat and arm­rests fresh­ly uphol­stered in our work­shops with utmost care by using authen­tic tech­niques and mate­ri­als, with horse­hair, tra­di­tion­al­ly laced springs, and hand­stitched edges. The chairs are now ready for a cov­er fab­ric of your choice. We are very hap­py to assist with your selec­tion and our cov­er­ing ser­vices inhouse.

Signed plaque.

In 1883 the Mai­son For­est” man­u­fac­to­ry was locat­ed at 14 rue Pierre Picard and rue Cam­bac­eres in Paris. It was and still is famous for its remark­able crafts­man­ship, fine dec­o­ra­tions, and their high qual­i­ty bronze mounts.

Jean-Bap­tiste Claude Séné is the most renowned mem­ber of his fam­i­ly. At the age of 22 he received his mas­ter’s degree due to his extra­or­di­nary talent.From 1785 he was sup­pli­er to the Garde — Meu­ble de la Couronne.Subsequently, he became the pur­vey­or to the court of the French king and queen. He made fur­ni­ture for Ver­sailles Palace, Fontainebleau, as well as many mem­bers of the roy­al family

HM Frz Armstuehle A La Reinegesamt1
French Armchairs „A La Reine" H: 105 cm, W: 69 cm, D: 70 cm
HM Frz Armstuehle A La Reine D2
HM Frz Amrstuehle A La Reine D1
HM Frz Armstuehle A La Reine D3